
English is usually been selected as a target language in translating due to its global position as а mediating language for the promotion of international literature but in this paper we are considering the importance of translations of the English children's literature into the Serbian language transmitting its contents, cultural heritage, values, (hidden) ideologies and stereotypes. Until the First World War English literature was popularized in Serbia in magazines Srpski književni glasnik, Delo, Letopis Matice Srpske, Brankovo kolo, comprising translations, reviews, comments, and the opinions on the translation methods. Translations embodied universal values such as cooperation between cultures, similar and different mentality of people incarnated in heroes' actions, religion, accepting differences in all forms. While translating English novel for children and young people time and cultural spaces and stimulation of the development of spiritual wealth of readers were constantly in focus. The goal of this paper is also to indicate the specificities of this cultural and literary work in a more detailed way.

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