
The existence of particles in a sentence in various languages is very diverse. The function and meaning of particles in one language will be different from other languages. Particles cannot stand alone, they are structural words that only have functions and meanings in certain structures. The Petalangan Malay language uses several particles in interaction or communication. However, this research only discusses ge and de particles in Petalangan language where these particles are more widely used in communication. This study aims to analyze the function and meaning of the use of ge and de particles in the Petalangan language of Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, which presents data based on facts without judging right or wrong. The data used in this research is primary data obtained through field observations with listening, speaking and notetaking techniques. Data analysis is done by using commensurate and agih methods. Based on the result of the research, Petalangan people use particles in communicating in daily life. The particles that are widely used are ge and de particles which function as affirmation in interrogative sentences or question and declarative sentences. The particles ge and de are pronounced with a long and lilting intonation. However, they can also be said with a short intonation if used in a question sentence that does not require an answer. The particles ge and de are placed at the end of the sentence to emphasize the sentence and cannot be placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.

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