
For general belief it is seen that women is made for managing and maintaining home affairs i.e. Cooking, Dusting, Child care and etc. But with the turn in the century, status of women, changed due to flourishing industrialization, urbanization, globalization and socialization. Women’s development has always been the major factor influencing overall development of nation. According to Aristotle, “An educated and developed woman can give a whole educated and developed nation.” With the increase in educational level of female and women and their awareness, women have shifted from kitchen to higher level of professional actions. Birth of women entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs and their participation in economy building is very important and worth notable in India. Now the educated women don’t want to waste their lives in four walls managing home affairs. They demand equal opportunity, respect and pay not just from partners but also from society. In this patriarchal society, entrepreneurship was precepted as male activity since the inception of civilization, but with the shift of time, mentality, situation, it has brought women as today’s most memorable and inspiring venturist. There is a consistent rise in the number of women venturist since 1990’s. It is rightly said that role of women entrepreneur in economic development of economy is inevitable. India is counting its population increase and need to focus on feeding process women need to feel and assess their strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to come out with a view to achieve their goals.

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