
We present technical specifications and experimental results of test running of a railway vehicle powered by fuel cells in this paper. We are currently under development of railway vehicle equipped with fuel cells. We made a trial product of a railway vehicle equipped with 100-kW class fuel cells, and carried out experimental running tests. This paper has focused on the following features: (a) Specifications for the test railway vehicle equipped with fuel cells: Fuel cells, hydrogen storage cylinders, motors, and inverter (b) Outline of the test railway vehicle, equipment layout and configuration of traction circuit (c) Experimental test results on a test track Motor characteristic of the test railway vehicle, train performance curve and test results (d) Experimental test results at a rolling stock test facility Motor characteristic of the test vehicle and test results (e) Evaluation of electrical output characteristics of fuel cells. Through our research as described in the paper, we anticipate to promote an-environment-friendly railway system.

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