In this research the yield of Reed Canary Grass (RCG) was harvested in spring after a Nordic winter. During the winter frost and ice cause damage the cell structure of plants. RCG has a very high concentrtion of silicate, mainly in the leaves ofthe plant (1). The plant material was hammermilled with a 12 mm screen. Then the powder was sifted with a 0,7 mm sieve and the underflow of the sieve was used in oil absorption tests. There are obviously several reasons for the absorption of hydrocarbons in RCG-powder. This problem is studied in a licenciate thesis by the author of this text. The main reasons for the oil absorption phenomena seem to be: The amount and effects of silicate was studied by different methods. The oil absorption capacity on the RCG-powder was measured. The concentration of ash and silicate was measured in different fractions of a standard sieve (2). Also the viscosity of oil was measured with different RCG powder and ash concentrations. • The adsorption and colloid action of the small particles in the powder and liquids • The capillary absorption of oil in the perforated and empty ice-broken cells • The effect on small diameter silicate particles on flocculation of oil droplets • The effect on silicate compounds in bulk oil viscosity and flux in a RCG filter
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