
The philosophy of education from its initial formulations (which date back to Greek antiquity) that seeks to critically reflect on what education and pedagogy are (generally taken as a set of theories and methods aimed at education and teaching). Didactics, as the central axis of pedagogy, seeks to determine, according to techniques, methods and teaching processes, what can be learned. From the first theoretical models (especially from the beginning of the 17th century with Comenius in his Didáctica Magna and later with Herbart and his General Pedagogy), through expressive education to game-based learning, didactics has sought to reconcile different paradigms of rationality and human intelligence with the dynamization of knowledge and apprehension (attention capture) of the real. However, the neurosciences that have been gaining and expanding their application horizon, have suggested and proposed working hypotheses that help to build neuroeducation, which in turn leads to neurodidactics. Based on some of these premises, an attempt will be made to examine the meaning and scope of this new experimental and exploratory area.

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