1. The frequency threshold curves (FTCs) of 91 single units in the cochlear nucleus of the anesthetized guinea pig were measured using a conventional single-tone paradigm and a two-tone paradigm designed to elucidate the frequency extent of two-tone facilitation in onset units (On). Units were classified according to existing classification schemes into primary-like (n = 3), chopper (n = 23), and three onset groups: OnI (n = 12), OnC (n = 29), and OnL (n = 24). Histological reconstructions show onset units to be widely distributed within the ventral cochlear nucleus in a manner generally consistent with its tonotopic organization. 2. The FTCs of onset units differed in their minimum thresholds, the steepness of their high- and low-frequency cutoffs, and their sharpness of tuning as quantified by the quality factor at 10 dB (Q10dB) above best frequency (BF) threshold values. There was considerable overlap in the sharpness of tuning between onset units and auditory nerve fibers, as indicated by the distribution of Q10dB values in the octave around 10 kHz: onset units had Q10dB values of 3.56 +/- 1.38 (SD), compared with 6.3 +/- 2.48 for auditory nerve fibers. The tuning of chopper units was similar to that of auditory nerve fibers (5.52 +/- 1.46). 3. Seventy-five percent of onset units showed some degree of facilitation (a threshold reduction) when their FTCs were measured in the presence of BF tones 4 dB below BF threshold. The frequency extent of such facilitation was variable, with a maximum of 6 octaves around the BF. In extreme cases facilitation could be measured when the BF tone was as low as 30 dB below BF threshold. 4. In 17% of onset units, suppressive effects were evident, as shown by noncontiguous frequency regions of facilitation. These suppressive effects might be a reflection either of suppression in the auditory nerve input or of a direct inhibitory input to the onset units. The strength of this effect suggests that inhibition is a likely explanation, consistent with the finding in previous morphological studies of profuse synapses with pleomorphic vesicles on multipolar cells. 5. FTCs of chopper and primary-like units measured in the presence of BF tones showed little facilitation. The facilitation that was observed in chopper units was confined to a narrow region around BF and disappeared when the facilitatory tone was lowered to 4 dB below BF threshold. 6. These data support the hypothesis that onset units, but not chopper or primary-like units, receive excitatory inputs from auditory nerve fibers with a wide range of BFs. However, the frequency range of facilitation and the magnitude of the threshold facilitation varied from unit to unit, suggesting that the off-BF inputs from auditory nerve fibers are not evenly distributed or equally effective in all units.
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