
Mathematical literacy ability is a very important ability in learning mathematics. Through mathematical literacy, students are expected to be able to formulate, define, and interpret mathematics in various problem-solving contexts of everyday life. Mathematical literacy is also related to the international assessment standard, namely PISA, where PISA results in Indonesia are still considered low. One of the causes of low mathematical literacy ability is that the learning model and approach given are still not optimal. Therefore, this study aims to develop a framework for research-based learning activities or research-based learning with the STEM approach in applying permutation material to the problem of classification of predatory and prey fish to improve mathematical literacy. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The results of this study are in the form of a research based learning framework with a STEM approach. The results of the syntax are then applied to the learning tools used in the learning process. Therefore, this research produces a new syntax for research based learning that is integrated with STEM.

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