
In this article, in the context of identifying the content of a new little-known historical source, the features of the life of the Kazakh pastoralist society at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries are revealed. The revealed material is a collection of statistical data that allow to reveal the characteristic features of the nomadic life of Kazakhs in the specified chronological framework from the point of view of scientific analysis conducted by contemporary researchers of the socio-cultural processes under consideration. The identified historical source, according to the author, is a unique and undoubtedly of scientific interest material scientifically substantiating the numerous laws of Kazakh society. Due consideration is given to its aspects, such as traditions, customs, ways of farming, economic, ethnographic, geographical relationships and a number of others. The revealed material allows us to take a new look at the multifaceted structure of Kazakh nomadic life and, in contrast to the established opinion, to state the original author's view of the significance of various types of livestock in the life of the indigenous population and their relationship and mutual relationship.

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