
Saponification between alkaline salt and virgin coconut oil (VCO) will produce liquid soap. This is because the use of virgin coconut oil (VCO) in saponification is known to be very good because of the presence of lauric acid which has clean power and functions as an antimicrobial. The addition of miana leaf extract (Coleus atropurpureus) in the manufacture of liquid soap because it contains flavonoids, tannins, saponins, essential oils which also function as moisturizers and antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the best combination of pure coconut oil (VCO) liquid soap with variations in the concentration of miana leaf extract (Coleus atropurpureus) in reducing free radicals in the form of bacteria. In this study, a laboratory experimental method was used with the addition of miana leaf extract. A= 0% (w/w), B= 10% (w/w), C= 15% (w/w),) in 100 mL total virgin coconut oil (VCO) three times. The test parameters were in the form of a bacteriological test using the Total Plate Number (ALT) method. From the results of the study, it was found that the formulation of pure coconut oil (VCO) liquid soap with various concentrations of miana leaf extract (Coleus atropurpureus) could reduce free radicals such as bacteria.


  • Saponification between alkaline salt and virgin coconut oil (VCO) will produce liquid soap

  • This is because the use of virgin coconut oil

  • essential oils which also function as moisturizers and antioxidants

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Bahan yang digunakan antara lain ekstrak daun miana, Minyak Kelapa murni (VCO), KOH 40%, gliserin, akuades, propilen glikol, Nutrien agar. C. Pembuatan Formulasi Sabun cair Minyak Kelapa Murni (VCO) dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Daun Miana. Jenis perlakuan dilakukan dengan mencampurkan Minyak Kelapa murni (VCO) dengan penambahan esktrak daun miana pada formulasi A, B, C seperti yang disajikan pada Tabel 1 di bawah ini. Formulasi Sabun cair Minyak Kelapa murni (VCO) dengan Penambahan Ekstrak daun Miana. Minyak kelapa murni (Virgin Coconut Oil) dan esktrak daun miana ditempatkan di dalam beaker glass dipanaskan di atas magnetic stirrer. Setelah 2-3 jam proses pengadukan, sebanyak 35 gram propilen glikol dimasukkan ke dalam sabun cair dan diaduk hingga semua campuran menjadi homogen. Untuk pengujian bakteriologis dilakukan kepada 15 orang panelis yang dibagi dalam tiga kelompok perlakuan menggunakan metode angka lempeng total (ALT) pada media nutrien agar. Selanjutnya masing-masing nutrient agar yang sudah diberi perlakuan sebelum dan sesudah mencuci tangan dengan sabun cair diinkubasi selama 1 x 24 jam Setelah 1 x 24 jam dilakukan pengamatan dan menghitung jumlah bakteri yang tumbuh

Sesudah Cuci tangan
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