
The article reveals the peculiarities of the development of choreographic education in Ukraine in pre-professional forms of organization in the 20s of the XX century. In the aspect of socio-political and cultural determinants, the organizational and pedagogical foundations of choreographic training of the younger generation in the structure of general and out-of-school education are analyzed. The educational value of the phenomenon of pre-professional dance creativity is clarified. It has been observed that during the study period children's dance amateurism was formed in the educational, cultural and artistic spheres in institutions of various functional purposes: in general education institutions, dance vocational schools, art studios, children's and youth clubs. The dissemination of elementary choreographic knowledge also took place in various mass forms of aesthetic and educational leisure: concerts, literary and musical matinees, evenings, and mass folk festivals.Based on the analysis of the educational sector's reporting documentation of the time, it was found that official support for school and out-of-school amateur children's choreography was centralized, regulated by norms and methods, and subordinated to the ideological narratives of the society of the time. Physical education bias dominated the arrangement of the content of school motor training. The priority direction of leisure time choreographic activities of schoolchildren in institutions of mass culture is the attraction to newly created mass dance forms of Soviet origin, lexically simple and accessible for assimilation. The main principles of mass children's choreographic performance were the availability of dance vocabulary, a combination of elementary natural movements, jumps, running, simplicity and artistry of musical accompaniment.It is proved that in the period under study, the formation of the content of pre-professional choreographic training of children and students involved the correlation of ideological and educational tasks. Mass choreographic forms were interpreted primarily as an effective component of the overall system of class education. At the same time, it was noted that the quality level of children's amateur choreography in the system of cultural and mass work remained generally low, despite its popularity in society. The need to improve pre-professional dance creativity in various forms of organization remained relevant.

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