
Nowadays, one of the acute problems is the communication of a tutor with parents and children. Communicative competence occupies an important place in a person’s life. The success of the work of a tutor, who is constantly in contact with children, parents and colleagues, depends on the ability to communicate. The leading role in communication belongs to the tutor since he is a professional and official representative of a preschool organization. In pedagogical practice, communication is an important factor in professional success. In this regard, the article analyzes the problems of the formation of the communicative competence of future educators in the conditions of modern education. The content of the topic is studied, comparing its broad meaning depending on the diversity and multiplicity of definitions of competence. Communicative competence is characterized as an integral quality that synthesizes the general culture and its specific manifestations in professional. Characterizing the essence of the communicative competence of a tutor, the directions providing their communicative qualities are revealed. The authors of the article consider it expedient to examine communicative competence as an integral part of professional competence and the culture of speech, the professional and pedagogical culture of a modern tutor. The success of pedagogical communication depends on the level of a communicative culture of the tutor. This article reveals the essence of the communicative competence of educators, communicative culture, communicative skills, and communicative abilities.

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