
The essence of formation of volitional qualities of personality is revealed in the article. The generalization of scientists and practitioners on the problem of formation of volitional qualities of cadet student youth by means of football is generalized. Based on a four-stage procedural scheme of adolescent personality convergence developed by I. Beh and refined by N. Kasich, we characterized the criteria and indicators of the formation of volitional qualities of cadets and students by means of football, namely: cognitive (awareness of the quality of awareness). qualities; understanding of the importance of active student-student youth as opposed to passive in the process of achieving the goal by football; knowledge of student-student youth responsibilities and their performance in the training process in football); emotional value (interest in playing football, sports history of Ukraine, sports traditions of higher education institutions; joyful experience of cadet student youth from the process of reaching the goal by means of football; desire to participate in training and competitions in football; willingness to be ready (willingness to important personality qualities; spiritual determination in the process of formation of volitional qualities; volitional desire to participate in training and competitions in football; activity-practical (ability to manifest volitional qualities to be purposeful in the process of playing football; to participate in training and competitions in football and to reach the end goal by showing responsibility for oneself and to the sports team;The pedagogical conditions, content and methods of formation of volitional qualities of cadets and students in the course of football are covered. The importance of football lessons and their effectiveness in higher education institutions is revealed. The results of the study on the formation of volitional qualities of cadets and students in the course of football are analyzed.


  • У статті розкрито сутність формування вольових якостей особистості

  • The essence of formation of volitional qualities of personality is revealed in the article

  • Студенти цього рівня виявляють інтерес до гри у футбол, історії спорту України, спортивних традиції закладів вищої освіти; радісне переживання від процесу досягнення мети у процесі занять футболом; виявляють бажання брати участь у тренуваннях та змаганнях з футболу

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ФОРМУВАННЯ ВОЛЬОВИХ ЯКОСТЕЙ КУРСАНТСЬКО-СТУДЕНТСЬКОЇ МОЛОДІ ЗАСОБАМИ ФУТБОЛУ Узагальнено напрацювання вчених і практиків з проблеми формування вольових якостей курсантсько-студентської молоді засобами футболу. Висвітлено педагогічні умови, зміст та методи формування вольових якостей курсантсько-студентської молоді у процесі занять футболом.

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