
The article outlines the peculiarities of the formation of moral and volitional qualities in student youth by means of handball, the role of sports games that have an effective educational content, forms and methods of formation of discipline, courage, perseverance, purposefulness, self-confidence, and moral stability is updated. Based on the study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the researched problem, the state of work of higher education institutions, we have developed criteria and indicators for the formation of moral and volitional qualities of higher education students in the process of handball lessons. Cognitive criterion (knowledge of moral-willed qualities, understanding of the importance of handball as a means of forming moral-willed qualities, students' awareness of the need for responsibility, self-discipline, self-control during handball lessons. Emotional-value criterion (perceived interest of students of higher education in the formation of discipline, courage, perseverance, purposefulness, moral stability; the desire to form moral and willful qualities in the process of handball lessons; the desire of students to show responsibility, self-discipline, self-control, overcome difficulties in the process of handball lessons. Criterion of voluntary impulse (students' willingness to show discipline, courage, perseverance, purposefulness, moral stability in the process of realizing the goal, the manifestation of moral and volitional qualities in the process of playing handball, the desire to manifest a moral and volitional act, responsibility, self-control. Activity criteria (the ability to independently demonstrate discipline, courage, perseverance, purposefulness, moral stability in the process of achieving a goal; the ability to demonstrate moral and willful qualities in practice, to help the teacher in organizing sports and mass events in higher education institutions; the ability to show responsibility, self- discipline, self-control, to overcome difficulties in the process of practicing handball). Thanks to the developed criteria and indicators, we determined the levels of formation of moral and volitional qualities in students of higher education by means of handball, namely: low, average, sufficient and high.

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