
Ukrainian homeland pedagogy has deprived the whole of the vikhovna system, the basis of which is laid down by the family, the values and traditions, the spiritually-moral qualities of the children are formed, the cognitive interest, the addictiveness of thinness. The lucky quick development of the suspension is significantly infused into the spiritual device of the present day. There is a great number of native values and traditions, without which the Zhodna Ukrainian family could not do without, at the same time. Suchasnі naukovtsі tse pov’yazuyut іz vtratoyu tsіnnostі Laws shlyubnih stosunkіv, great kіlkіstyu rozluchen that nepovnih sіmey negatively tendentsіyami in rozvitku protsesіv narodzhuvanostі, smertnostі, malodіtnostі sіmey, їh konflіktogennostі, devіantnіy povedіntsі dіtey, zmіnoyu traditsіynih roles cholovіka that zhіnki in sіm’ї, from the daytime to the interest of young people to the history of their own kind is too small.In addition to the warehouse state educational policy in Ukraine, the modernization of the system of preschool education based on the principles of the unity of the suspension and family development, the recognition of the priority of the harmonious development (of children) of the first With the head method of national preschool education є the establishment of friendly minds for the special development and creative self-realization of the skin child, the development of life competence, development in a sense of sainthood, self-culture, self-culture.In connection with the world, it is important to borrow the knowledge of the whole system of the Ukrainian native vikhovannya, prompted by folk ambushes and scientific knowledge of pedagogical wisdom. Even among the skin people, as meaning K. Ushinsky, “its own particular national system of vikhovannya, its own particular meta and its own particulars in order to reach the goal” (Ushinsky K., 1983) For the solution of the problem posed, it is necessary to persuade for all the modernization of the family of values and traditions of the Ukrainian people, which is rich and original culture, overpowered by numerous generations.Everything is laid down in Ukrainian zvichy, saints, rituals, folklore. Ukrainian traditions to explain and to rim in mutual relations between people, between people and nature, spiritual value of the skin environment of people, and the people in love. Maybut of Ukraine to lay aside the preservation and revival of traditional Christian moral values, behind its zmist spivzuchny zalnoludskim. The culture of the Ukrainian people was shaped by the flow of thousands of years. With a glance at the whole successful teacher, he is guilty of being spiritually rich, professionally competent, erudite, intelligent, cultural and creative.

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