Abstract The article considers the problems associated with the formation and perfection of speech culture of future primary school teachers. In this paper identifies the main features characteristic of the modern linguistic situation, the working methods aimed at the formation of linguistic and communicative competence of future teachers of primary school. Modeling speech situations is one of their effective exercise in the development of communication skills and mastery of the rules of modern literary language. Keywords: speech culture, norms, language personality, speech situation, modeling speech situations Петрова С . В . ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ РЕЧЕВОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ БУДУЩИХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ НАЧАЛЬНОЙ ШКОЛЫ В УСЛОВИЯХ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ ЯЗЫКОВОЙ СИТУАЦИИ кандидат филологических наук, доцент Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, ул. Победы, 85, г. Белгород, 308015, Россия; E-mail: petrova@bsu.edu.ru Today the issue of increase in the level of speech culture of Russian speakers gains in topicality. Speech culture represents part of the general human culture and plays an important role in the professional establishment of a person, in implementation of his communicative goals. Increase in the level of speech culture of bachelors is one of the main tasks of studying the Russian language at the university. As is known, well-bred speech, appropriate use of linguistic means during the process of communication is one of indicators of the general human culture, his intelligence. The efficiency of the communication process and success of professional communication depend on how accurately and properly according to the specific speech situation a future pedagogue can express his thoughts and ideas. There are a few definitions of the concept ‘speech culture’, but in our point of view the most accurate and comprehensive one is the definition suggested by the professor А.N. Ksenofontova, according to which we understand speech culture as ‘correctness of speech, i.e., compliance with the literature norms perceived by the speaker and writer as an ‘ideal’ or commonly accepted and traditionally protected ritual, image as well as speech excellence – i. e., not only adherence to the norms of the literary language but also the ability to select from the relevant options the most accurate in sense relation, stylistically and contextually appropriate, expressive, etc. one’ [7, p. 67]. Speech culture is based on standardized speech by which we mean speech compliance with the requirements set to the language within the specific language community during the particular historical period, observance of the rules of pronunciation, stress, language use in terms of lexical meaning, forming, making of syntactic constructions. Observations on the speech of high school students allow speaking of recession of their speech culture level. This is evidenced by difficulties experienced by perception and processing of text information, as a rule, of scientific content; rather frequently it is referred to insufficient formedness of
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