
The article discloses the problem of the formation of scientific and research competence of students of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education in the specialty 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences of the field of knowledge 01 Education, pedagogy through the implementation of the principle of continuity of education in institutions of higher education, revealing the potential of the educational and scientific program «Educational, pedagogical sciences», use of distance learning technologies. The scientific research competence of the Doctor of Philosophy is formed on the basis of previous experience at the bachelor's and master's levels of higher education. In graduate school, the process of forming the scientific and research competence of a doctor of philosophy is special, unique, leading, because the graduates are researchers, scientists, innovative teachers, and agents of educational changes.
 It was noted that in the process of teaching compulsory and optional subjects, future PhDs learn the principles of scientific research and the peculiarities of conducting scientific and pedagogical research, develop creative thinking and the talent of a researcher. It is proven that in order to successfully and timely write a dissertation, they need to learn how to write theses, professional articles, master the terminology of the research topic, express the author's opinion in accordance with the logic of constructing the content of the scientific text, draw conclusions, position oneself in the role of a scientist and researcher, present and publicize the results of the work.
 It is emphasized that the use of the possibilities of distance learning technologies is a necessary condition for the formation of scientific research competence of future doctors of philosophy, who at the same time study and apply the selected technologies for research. They explore the possibilities of Google Drive and digital services, applications for visual presentation of the results of scientific research, conduct surveys, compile infographics (Piktochart, Canva, Infogram, Visually, Genially, Easelly).

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