
In the course of the research the theoretical and practical development of the problem of a person-oriented approach to the formation of research and development competence was analyzed. The research was conducted using a systemic synergistic approach, using general scientific methods of analysis, syn-thesis and comparison. The essence of the concepts of "person-oriented learning", " person-oriented approach" is revealed.
 Conditions and methods of organization of the educational process during the formation of the scientific and research competence from the standpoint of person-oriented approach are considered. It is determined that the use of developed information retrieval systems and computer tools in the educational process realizes the principles of scientific, professional orientation, practical significance and creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of an individual, differentiated person-oriented approach in the formation of research and development competence.
 An example of the application of a person-oriented approach in the formation of the research competence of future environmental specialists is provided with the help of the developed information-retrieval system of the purification equipment, which allows forming integrative knowledge from ecology and other branches of knowledge.
 The results of the research may form the basis for further scientific analysis - the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of scientific research competence of future specialists-ecologists.

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