
The article reveals the current problem of Ukrainian and foreign education - the preparation of present-day teachers to get engaged with learners with special educational needs. The objective of the study is to highlight the results of theoretical and experimental research on the formation of prospective music teachers’ readiness for inclusive educational activities, which is the result of students` professional training, prospective bachelors of music, determined by the level of music mastery, psychological-and-pedagogical, information and communication knowledge and skills along with technological ones regarding a system of humanistic and cultural values in the field of educational inclusion. To study this problem, the following scientific research methods were used, such as: scientific approaches (humanistic, socio-psychological, technological, competence), a set of theoretical, empirical, mathematical methods. The structure of readiness of prospective music art teachers for educational inclusive activities comprises the following components: motivation-and-value, psychological-communicative, musical-epistemological, inclusion-and-activity. The results of the pedagogical experiment proved the effectiveness of enriching the content of bachelor students` training with an educational and inclusive component and the introduction of author's pedagogical technology of inclusive music education for secondary school students, mastering of which enhances the readiness for inclusive education with prospective music art teachers.


  • The modern world is characterized by a number of globalization processes, which are marked by g lobal economic, political, cultural or educational integration, and known as environmental problems and socio-economic crisis, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, which has negatively affected the general psychological state of society on the whole, but especially of those who have problems with communication and social inclusion

  • Based on the theoretical analysis of modern scientific research, we have outlined the essence of the concepts "inclusive educational activity", "readiness of a prospective music art teacher for educational inclusive activity" and the structural components of such a phenomenon

  • The concept of "readiness of a prospective music teacher for educational inclusive activities" we interpret as a result of professional training of a prospective music art teacher, which is determined by the level of students' mastery of music, psychological and pedagogical, information and communication, technological knowledge and skills and system of humanistic and cultural values in the realm of educational inclusion

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The modern world is characterized by a number of globalization processes, which are marked by g lobal economic, political, cultural or educational integration, and known as environmental problems and socio-economic crisis, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, which has negatively affected the general psychological state of society on the whole, but especially of those who have problems with communication and social inclusion. One of the priority humanistic directions of educational policy in the world and, in particular, in Ukraine is to strengthen the state's attention to inclusive education of its citizens, as evidenced by the. Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017), is defined as a system of educational services guaranteed by the state, based on the principles of non-discrimination, consideration of human diversity, effective involvement and inclusion in the educational process of all participants;. Special inclusive education is needed by children with disabilities, and by other children in need of special educational services, in particular - high educational potential, which gives them the музичного мистецтва до освітньої інклюзивної діяльності віднесено компоненти: мотиваційноціннісний, психологічно-комунікативний, музично-епістемологічний, інклюзивнодіяльнісний. Результати педагогічного експерименту довели ефективність збагачення змісту підготовки студентів-бакалаврів освітньо-інклюзивною складовою та впровадження авторської педагогічної технології інклюзивного музичного навчання учнів закладів загальної середньої освіти., опанування якою вплинуло на підвищення рівня готовності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва до освітньої інклюзивної діяльності

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