
The article focuses on the fact that the use of distance learning in higher education institutions of Ukraine is due to the needs of modernization of the system of professional training of higher education applicants, which is able to ensure the competitiveness of future specialists in the modern labor market. The psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of introducing distance learning, in particular in the educational activities of higher education institutions, is analyzed. The advantages of distance learning are indicated, namely: it provides an individual approach, optimal schedule, selforganization, taking into account the abilities of higher education applicants, the use of interactive teaching methods, systematic control, discipline, allows you to combine professional activity with study, makes it possible to receive education regardless of place of residence or health status, to acquire new teaching skills, as the way of presenting the material changes, the creative component grows, the digital competence of teachers is improved, etc. The disadvantages of distance learning are highlighted, which include the problem of student identification, objectivity of assessment, lack of direct communication, lack of motivation and self-organization of students. It is noted that distance learning is effective from an economic and informational point of view, creates conditions for lifelong learning due to its accessibility, it corresponds to the rapid pace of development of society and is the newest form of intellectual and professional socialization of a person in modern society. It is emphasized that distance education has significant potential in the formation of professional and universal competencies of future specialists. Modern research and interpretation of skills, which researchers divide into Soft skills and Hard skills, are considered. The special importance of project technologies is emphasized, which are focused primarily on independent activities – individual, group or collective, which participants perform over time to form Soft Skills. It is indicated that the project method is an effective addition to other pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation of the individual as a subject of activity and social relations, since education should become innovative. The proposed of organizing and conducting projects are presented, examples of individual project topics used in the training of future psychologists are given.

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