
The article examines the components of the moral sphere, methods of forming the moral qualities of a customs specialist necessary for solving professional tasks, ethical norms of professional behavior of a customs officer, the principle of axiology, which implies the active inclusion of a value component in the content of an educational program, the implementation of which is aimed at the formation of universal and socially significant values of a customs specialist, an axiological approach that increases the social role education, since the value-oriented nature is characteristic of all types of human activity. The article presents the structure of the moral sphere of a customs specialist, which includes the following components: motivational-value (moral norms, values, ideals, rules and ethical principles of official behavior), cognitive (moral knowledge, value judgments, beliefs, orientations in the field of professional activity), activity (professional behavior, actions, deeds), reflexive (moral emotions, feelings, experiences, self-esteem), the content of which determines the value-semantic attitude to the surrounding space, professional activity, yourself and your actions - a professional and moral position.

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