
Forests are an important component of the economic development of the state and people’s livelihoods. They provide not only the needs of the economy for timber, food, but also perform important environmental functions related to the purification of water and air, soil formation, etc. At the same time, in many regions of the world, forest conditions are deteriorating, which determines negative socio-economic and environmental results, which violates the principles of sustainable forest management. The term “sustainable forest management” came into use in 1993, but questions still arise about how to put this concept into practice? The authors of the article concluded that the safety of socio-economic and environmental processes should become a prerequisite for sustainable development. It is economic security with the identification of threats and their further neutralization that can lead the forest industries to the path of sustainable development. Within the framework of expert assessments of the authors and analysis of domestic and foreign literature, four components of the economic security of the forest complex of the Russian Federation were identified: entrepreneurial, food, environmental and foreign economic. Threats to the economic security of the forest complex were characterized. The results of the study show the relationship between the components of economic security and the criteria for sustainable development of management. Meeting the criteria will contribute to the safe development of the forest complex of the Russian Federation.

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