
Scientific problem definition. The article is devoted to the investigation of types of military administrative offenses committed by servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine and the possibility of specific expertise use while hearing such cases. The author analyzed the judicial practice, which became the basis for concluding the possibility of appointing different types of forensic examinations in the proceedings on cases of military administrative offenses provided for in Chapter 13-B Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.
 The purpose of the article is to determine forensic examination as a means of establishing the truth in cases of military administrative offenses committed by servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine.
 Main research results. Working out various scientific works concerning the problem of establishing the responsibility of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine for military administrative offenses, allowed to determine the object of military administrative offenses provided for in art. 172-10-172-17, 172-19-172-20 Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. The author emphasizes the fact that not all subjects of forensic expert activity, listed in art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine «On Forensic Examination» carry out forensic expert activity in cases on military administrative offenses, in case the offender in the case serves a serviceman of the National Guard of Ukraine.
 Conclusions. It was emphasized that in cases concerning military administrative offenses committed by servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine. can be assigned /ordered to conduct forensic, commodity, military expertise, as well as forensic medical expertise in individual cases.


  • Коли йдеться про побудову ефективної системи управління військово-правоохоронними структурами

  • that in cases concerning military administrative offenses committed by servicemen of the National Guard

  • що складається за відповідне правопорушення

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Адміністративна відповідальність військовослужбовців НГУ за вчинення військових адміністративних правопорушень передбачена КУпАП та Дисциплінарним статутом ЗС України. Зазначимо основні види військових адміністративних правопорушень, що передбачені КУпАП, які вчинюються військовослужбовцями НГУ: 1) відмова від виконання законних вимог командира (начальника)

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