
From the stand point of global digitalization, the article substantiates the creation of a new private theory of forensic expertology — the theory of information and computer support of forensic expert activity. The author outlines the main stages of the genesis the processes of automation and informatization for forensic research. At the first stage, in the mid-60s, many works related to the use of cybernetics in the automation of certain types of forensic examinations appeared in the forensic literature. The second stage occurred at the end of the 80s — 90s of the XX century, when the integration of new information technologies, mainly of a technological nature, began to develop in five main directions, thanks to the development of computer technology. In the early 2000s, the third stage of informatization and computerization of forensic expertise began. The processes of digitalization in forensic activity gave a new impetus to the development of not only the areas of information and computer support, which continued to improve, but also the emergence of research in many kinds (types) forensic examinations of new objects expert research — digital footprints. The author states that there was no theoretical basis for their forensic expert research in forensic expertology. Therefore, a new private theory (teaching) of forensic expertology has been developed — the theory of digitalization for forensic expert activity. The subject of this theory and its objects, the place of the new theory in forensic expertology are described. It has been proved that the theory of digitalization for forensic activity, due to the increasingly global nature of digitalization, can be attributed to several private theories, the provisions of which equally apply both to the process of expert research as a whole and to expert research of certain types of expertise. The modern theory of digitalization of forensic activities includes two areas: a system of information and computer support for forensic activities and forensic research of digital footprints.

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