
An objective, scientifically based analysis of agro-industrial innovations is impossible without studying the experience of economically advanced states in implementing the results of scientific and technological progress in agricultural production. Comparing the technological level of Kazakhstan's agro-industrial complex with the leading countries of the world, as in no other sphere of scientific and technological progress, allows highlighting the problems of domestic agriculture: materially and morally obsolete fixed assets; technological backwardness; low level of culture of production of the main types of agricultural products; lack of effective mechanisms for commercialization of scientific and technical labor products and their transfer to real production; unsystematic state support for agricultural innovations; imperfection and inconsistency of regulatory regulation, etc. The accumulated crisis economic phenomena force producers of this type of agricultural products to face the problem of limited effective demand, rather than acute competition for the consumer. However, both of these problems provide and make it necessary to address issues of improving the efficiency of small business production as growth reserves. It is possible to realize this only in conditions of increasing the intensity of the industry on an innovative basis. Therefore, there is a need to choose priority directions of innovative development of small business, characteristic of each region of the country, and to develop a holistic strategy for the development of the industry, which determines the relevance of scientific research.

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