
French Bacteriologist Alexander Yersinia in 1894 first described Yersinia eniterocolitica as causative organisms for food-borne illness. Yersinia enterocolitica is an enteropathogenic organism and causes “yersiniosis” that denotes infections such as, gastroenteritis in infants and young children and it considered as bacillary dysentery or campylobacter - like enterocolitis with abdominal pain and diarrhea. Even it give rise to acute terminal ileitis or mesenteric lymphadenitis, cause septicemia with high fatality rate, abortion, pneumonia, ileocaecal appendix, proximal colon level, acute enterocolitis, immunological complications like erythema nodosum, polyarthritis, Reiter’s syndrome, some time leading to death etc. In frozen buffalo meat at very freezing temperature the organisms common and isolated can cause spoilage. Y. enterocolitica is gram negative, pleomorphic, asporogenous short, capsulated, motile with peritrichous flagella microscopically and grown at 22oC. Y. enterocolitica is aerobe and facultative anaerobe and actively porn to zoonosis. Salmonella species also a risky food borne pathogen and causes typhoid and salmonellosis. In present research investigation 51 samples of frozen buffalo meat processed microbiologically whereas 39 samples are positive and 11 samples are negative for Y. enterocolitica. Hence, It is observed load of tolerance are in littile higher in frozen meat. MacConkey agar showed as small, irregular, pinpointed, pinkish - reddish or pale pink or reject red color lactose negative colonies at 37oC and form pinpoint colonies at 22oC. Antibiotic assay test of Y. enterocolitica revealed that 10µg amoxyclave disc is sensitive to Y. enterocolitica but, 5µg methicillin disc is resistant to Y. enterocolitica. The positive Salmonella species colonies from specific media such as (e.g. XLD, BGA, BSA, HEA) isolated and subjected to molecular analysis of 16SrRNA sequencing identified as Salmonella typhi strain T9 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar enteritidis strain DY60 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence, causes the spoilage in meat at low temperature and threaten public health safety. The overall result indicates poor management of hygiene at abattoir and inefficient cleaning condition can augment low temperature spoilage of meat and serious issue for the reassessment of public health importance.

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