AbstrakLatar belakang: Kebiasaan melakukan latihan fisik antara lain berguna bagi kebugaran fisik serta kognitif, serta mencegah inkapasitasi akibat nyeri punggung bawah, kelelahan, dan penyakit kardiovaskular. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kebiasaan latihan fisik pada pilot sipil di Indonesia serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain potong lintang menggunakan data sekunder dari Survey Terhadap Kebiasaan Hidup Sehat Pilot Sipil di Indonesia Tahun 2016. Pada penelitian ini, yang dianalisis adalah data pilot dengan lisensi CPL dan ATPL. Kebiasaan latihan fisik sesuai dengan rekomendasi latihan fisik American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Data yang diambil meliputi data demografi, pekerjaan, kepuasan hidup, indeks massa tubuh, dan lingkar pinggang. Analisis regresi Cox digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kebiasaan latihan fisik. Hasil: Di antara 644 data pilot, terdapat 332 data yang memenuhi kriteria. Proporsi pilot sipil yang memiliki kebiasaan latihan fisik yang sesuai rekomendasi adalah 44%. Faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi latihan fisik adalah usia. Pilot sipil berusia 50 sampai 65 tahun memiliki kebiasaan latihan fisik 40% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan pilot sipil berusia 20 – 29 tahun (risiko relatif suaian (RRa) 0,60; Interval Kepercayaan (IK) 95% 0,38 – 0,94; P 0,026). Sedangkan jam terbang di luar jadwal dan indeks massa tubuh yang berlebih nampaknya berpengaruh terhadap kebiasaan latihan fisik (secara berurutan: RRa 0,58; IK95% 0,30 – 1,13; P 0,112 dan RRa 0,79; IK95% 0,62 – 1,02; P 0,072). Kesimpulan: Usia, jam terbang di luar jadwal, dan IMT berlebih nampaknya berpengaruh terhadap kebiasan latihan fisik pada pilot sipil di Indonesia. Kata kunci: latihan fisik, jam terbang, pilot sipil, Indonesia Abstract Background: Physical exercise habit has some benefits, among others, for physical fitness and cognitive function, as well as preventing incapacitation events caused by low back pain, fatigue, dan cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to find out the description of physical exercise habit among commercial pilot in Indonesia and its affecting factors. Method: This study was conducted with cross sectional design using secondary data from Healthy Lifestyle Survey of Commercial Pilot in Indonesia Year 2016. In this study, data of pilots with CPL and ATPL was analysed. Physical exercise habit was defined appropriately with American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommendation. Data taken were demographic data, job factors, satisfaction of life, body mass index, and waist circumference. Cox regression analysis was used to analyse dominant factors which affect physical exercise habit. Results: Among 644 pilots’ data, there were 332 data met the criteria in this study. Proportion of commercial pilots who had appropriate exercise habit was 44%. Dominant factor which affecting exercise habit was age. Compared to pilots aged 20 to 29 years old, pilots aged 50 to 65 years old had 40% less likely to have exercise habit (adjusted relative aisk (RRa) 0.60; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.38 – 0.94; P 0.026). Moreover, flight hours of unplanned flight and overweight were likely to affect physical exercise habit (consecutively aRR 0.58; 95%CI 0.30 – 1.13; P = 0.112 and aRR 0,79; IK95% 0,62 – 1,02; P 0,072). Conclusion: Age group, flight hours of unplanned flight and overweight were likely to affect exercise habit among commercial pilots in Indonesia. Key words: physical exercise, flight hours, commercial pilot, Indonesia.
Published Version
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