
The article explores an assessment of the financial sustainability of civil society institutions in Ukraine. The analysis is based on four indicators of financial sustainability (by type of sources of funding): international grant financing; financial support from the state and local budgets; receipt of services, membership fees.In 2016, NGOs received 6.2 billion UAH from various sources. This is 2% less than in 2015. The bulk of funding comes from philanthropy – UAH 3.5 billion, which is 56.7% of the total funding. Public organizations received: UAH 623 million from membership fees, which is 10%; from the economic activities of organizations – 468.8 million UAH, it is 7.5%. Civil society institutes rarely receive revenue from services.The main source of funding for NGOs is grants and technical assistance programs funded by other countries. During 2017, NGOs implemented 547 international technical assistance projects worth a total of $ 5.7 billion. USA. All available international programs / projects are aimed at assisting Ukraine in fulfilling its international obligations, stabilizing the socio-economic situation and strengthening civil society.The situation with the diversification of sources of funding civil society institutions does not change significantly. In recent years, there has been a decline in international donors' support and technical assistance. Foreign donors now focus on specific issues and require specialized expertise.Decline in revenues from state and local budgets. State and local contests are low budget. Sometimes such contests are opaque.

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