
Since 1991, Ukraine has become a direct recipient of international financial assistance (ITA) in the form of grants, soft loans, investments, international technical assistance, etc. According to the latest data of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the volume of international assistance to Ukraine during the years of independence amounts to 44 billion dollars and more than 15.6 billion euros. However, no Ukrainian agency provides generalized data on which channels, in which periods and how much international assistance was transferred to Ukraine. And there are no concrete results of using such assistance in Ukraine. This article analyzes the results of the effectiveness of the use of international technical assistance in Ukraine. The purpose of the analysis: assessment of administration, involvement, accounting, transparency, efficiency of use, organizational support of the use process, implementation of state control and further consequences for Ukraine from the received international technical assistance for the period 1991 - 2020. Subject of analysis: agreements on the provision of international technical assistance; reports on the implementation of agreements by the participants in the implementation of the agreement on ITD in Ukraine (donor, beneficiary, recipient, executor) during 1991-2020; information from any sources on the implementation of ITD projects; data from the unified register of projects implemented in Ukraine using the resources of international financial organizations and international technical assistance; available results of monitoring (current and final) implementation of international technical assistance agreements on projects implemented on the territory of Ukraine. Objects of analysis: Ministries and other state institutions and agencies of Ukraine, which are beneficiaries, recipients or executors of the agreement on attracting international technical assistance in our country in the period 1991-2020. Criteria used during the analysis: achievement by public authorities of the results of the obtained ITD results of social, economic, technical nature, etc., in accordance with the planned objectives specified in the application for international technical assistance; availability of reporting for the phased or overall implementation of the agreement on international technical assistance by project participants: donor, beneficiary, recipient, executor; mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of international technical assistance agreements on projects implemented on the territory of Ukraine by public authorities; methods of state, public or other control over the implementation of international technical assistance projects in our country by law enforcement, regulatory, other government agencies and the public; identified abuses during the implementation of ITD projects in Ukraine; further social effect from the implementation of the international technical assistance project in Ukraine; Methods of data collection: analysis of existing in the register of implemented agreements on the provision of international technical assistance in Ukraine during 1991-2020; analysis of reports on the implementation of agreements by the participants in the implementation of the ITD agreement in Ukraine (donor, beneficiary, recipient, executor) during 1991-2020; analysis of indicators of publicly available financial, budgetary and statistical reporting of public authorities and local governments as participants in the implementation of the ITD agreement in Ukraine (beneficiary, recipient, executor) during 1991- 2020; analysis of data from the resources of international financial organizations donors of international technical assistance projects; analysis of the available results of monitoring (current and final) implementation of international technical assistance agreements on projects implemented on the territory of Ukraine; analysis of information from any available information sources on the implementation of ITD projects in Ukraine during 1991-2020.

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