
WE CONSTANTLY search for new or improved medication which will relieve pain and speed healing. In treating corneal diseases we often partially defeat one purpose to accomplish another. Some of our commonly used agents, for example, tetracaine and hydrous wool fat U. S. P. (lanolin), while relieving pain or serving as a vehicle, may delay corneal healing. If we can find an agent which both relieves pain and stimulates or supports healing, we shall come close to an ideal medicine for treating corneal disease. In thromboplastin we have such an agent. When properly used, it relieves pain quickly and permits rapid replacement of corneal epithelium. My colleagues and I have used it in the treatment of about 100 corneal lesions of various types, with very satisfying clinical results. We have also attempted to verify the work in laboratory animals, with some encouraging and stimulating experiments. The material we used in

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