
The paper deals with such concepts as «social-psychological training» and «stress resistance»; the features of the application of this method in the formation of students' stress resistance are studied.One of the primary tasks of modern society in working with youth is the formation of a high level of sociopsychological adaptation. Currently, an active search and development of new forms and methods of both individual and group work with students is underway. In the diverse arsenal of methodological tools, a special place is given to socio-psychological training.The purpose of this psychological study was to study the features of the use of socio-psychological training as a means of forming students' stress resistance. During the primary diagnosis, two groups of students (control and experimental) were identified with a low level of stress resistance and a high level of stress.As part of the formative experiment, we developed and implemented a program of psychological support for students. Classes were held in the experimental group once a week for two months. After the formative experiment, the control stage of the study was carried out. At the control stage, the changes in the level of stress and stress tolerance of those who took (experimental group) and those who did not take part (control group) in the program were compared, thus, the effectiveness of the program of psychological support of students developed by us was tested. For re-diagnosis, the same methods were used as in the primary diagnosis at the ascertaining stage of the study.The methodological basis of the work was the theoretical provisions on the development of the group in the process of joint activity (L.G. Pochebut, G.M. Andreeva, E.S. Kuzmin, R.S. Nemov, etc.); ideas about the sociopsychological characteristics of the group (M.I. Bobneva, V.S. Ageev, P.K. Anokhin, etc.); conceptual foundations of personality development in the course of a specially organized psychological impact (A. Bandura, S.I. Makshanov, K. Levin, etc.); understanding and implementation of the methodology and methodology of socio-psychological training (L.A. Petrovskaya, Yu.N. Emelyanov, S.I. Makshanov).The research methods were theoretical analysis of scientific research; organizational methods; empirical methods: observation, psychodiagnostic methods, methods of statistical data processing.Comparative analysis of changes in the experimental and control groups (increase in stress resistance, reduction of stress and tension levels according to the corresponding coping strategies) allowed us to draw conclusions about the potential of applying the method of socio-psychological training in the formation of students' stress resistance.

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