
Based on the interpretation of archival sources and field data, the article analyzes the specifics of sheep breeding in the ethno-contact zone of the Ukrainian‑Moldovan borderlands and traces the basic displays of ethnocultural interactions in it. It was found that because of long-term interethnic contacts in the Transnistrian territories of Eastern Podillya, ethnocultural complexes with a symbiosis of economic experiences have been formed, which is also typical for sheep breeding. Methods of historical comparisons, interviewing respondents, and partially – the principles of ethnographic mapping were used in the research. The materials of the Ukrainian archives in Kyiv, Odessa, Vinnitsa, as well as the National Archives of the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau, were examined. The main aspects of the topic were revealed with the help of the author’s expedition materials, recorded in 2013–2016 in the border villages of Vinnitsa and Odessa regions of Ukraine. The number of sheep, the characteristics of their keeping, forms of grazing and some ritual manifestations of sheep breeding were considered. In the conclusion, the facts were summarized and the directions for further research were indicated.


  • Summary Features of sheep breeding development in the Transnistrian territories of East Podillya at the end of the XIX – the first half of the XX century Based on the interpretation of archival sources and field data, the article analyzes the specifics of sheep breeding in the ethno-contact zone of the Ukrainian‐Moldovan borderlands and traces the basic displays of ethnocultural interactions in it

  • It was found that because of long-term interethnic contacts in the Transnistrian territories of Eastern Podillya, ethnocultural complexes with a symbiosis of economic experiences have been formed, which is typical for sheep breeding

  • Methods of historical comparisons, interviewing respondents, and partially – the principles of ethnographic mapping were used in the research

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ОСОБЕННОСТИ РАЗВИТИЯ ОВЦЕВОДСТВА НА ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИХ ТЕРРИТОРИЯХ ВОСТОЧНОГО ПОДОЛЬЯ В КОНЦЕ XIX – ПЕРВОЙ ПОЛОВИНЕ ХХ в. Cuvinte-cheie: oieritul, interacţiunea interetnică, zonele de frontieră moldo-ucrainene, lunca Nistrului din Podillia de Est. Резюме Особенности развития овцеводства на приднестровских территориях Восточного Подолья в конце XIX – первой половине ХХ в. Отражают то, что в хозяйствах отдельных сел Восточно-Подольского Приднестровья количество овец несущественно уступало аналогичному показателю в непосредственной контактной зоне, однако было значительно меньше, если сравнивать со степными местностями пограничья.

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