
Entrepreneurship is considered as a driving force for the economic development of society. One of the tools of entrepreneurship is the choice of people of a certain type, with certain traits of character, those who will be able to create an innovative approach in the system “ethics – morality – collective – leader – entrepreneurship”. Since entrepreneurship is associated with a person with the process of personal professional growth, social adaptation and development through the formation of business ideas, the development of business projects and their implementation in real practice. The social co-operation of different types of human activity made the problem of leadership one of the most recent and, at the same time, constantly topical problems, the solutions of which were constantly changing both in content and form. Therefore, it becomes a task to consider different directions in the scientific study of leadership from the standpoint of modernity, the meaning of the word “ethics” and “morality”. The purpose of this research is to provide a holistic analysis of the leader's problems through the prism of ethics and morality in entrepreneurship. The ethical climate in the enterprise is described – the order of behavior in the sphere of business and business contacts is established. Etiquette, when understood as established behavior, helps to avoid mistakes or to look at them in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the basic function or meaning of the etiquette of a business person can be interpreted as the formation of such rules of conduct that promote understanding of people in the process of communication. The second meaning of the etiquette function is the convenience function, that is, expediency and practicality. Starting with the little things, up to the general rules – etiquette is approximate to the everyday system. A survey was conducted in which 156 respondents were interviewed, the purpose of the survey was to determine who is a leader, and on the basis of this research a model of a leader with ethical and moral leadership qualities was proposed. Therefore, to create moral subordinates of ethical care means to form high moral values, the mechanism of moral self-regulation, protection and interest, moral creativity and comfort, and also to accept the moral experience of the collective, to collection It was suggested that modern management covers moral socialization – self-assimilation of a person's life experience, self-acquisition of social qualities, its adaptation to the environment. The same group of activities includes providing a modern level of technical and technological equipment of the work process, rational organization, regulation and payment of prats, aesthetics of the working environment, active participation in social activity, spiritual environment moral and psychological climate of relationships.


  • Entrepreneurship is considered as a driving force for the economic development of society

  • One of the tools of entrepreneurship is the choice of people of a certain type, with certain traits of character, those who will be able to create an innovative approach in the system “ethics – morality – collective – leader – entrepreneurship”

  • The social co-operation of different types of human activity made the problem of leadership one of the most recent and, at the same time, constantly topical problems, the solutions of which were constantly changing both in content and form

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Article info

The purpose of this research is to provide a holistic analysis of the leader's problems through the prism of ethics and morality in entrepreneurship. The basic function or meaning of the etiquette of a business person can be interpreted as the formation of such rules of conduct that promote understanding of people in the process of communication. To create moral subordinates of ethical care means to form high moral values, the mechanism of moral selfregulation, protection and interest, moral creativity and comfort, and to accept the moral experience of the collective, to collection It was suggested that modern management covers moral socialization – selfassimilation of a person's life experience, self-acquisition of social qualities, its adaptation to the environment.

Особливості проблематики етики і морaлі лідерa
Мaтеріaл і методи досліджень
Дотримується бaлaнсу між особистими та індивідуaльними інтересaми
Професійна мораль
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