
Introduction. In modern conditions of innovative economy, business development management acts as a general economic vector of rational consumption of resources and efficient functioning of production systems. It is known that even those companies that have similar potentials often differ in the results of their activities. Under these conditions, the difference in results can be explained only by the unequal degree of accuracy of the target orientation of the control system. In other words, other things being equal, the magnitude of the result will be greater the more successful the business development management system in an innovative economy.The purpose of the study is to define and substantiate the management system of business development in an innovative economy.The methodologyof scientific research is general and special methods of research of economic phenomena: analysis and synthesis – to determine the complex concepts of business development management; extrapolations – to identify new trends in business development and changes in the economy; grouping and classification – to systematize the factors influencing business development, etc.Conclusions and prospects for further research. Features of formation by business development which includes a set of means and methods of the directed influence on interests of business which are in constant dynamic transformation under the influence of external and internal conditions with orientation on rational use of resources and maintenance of necessary proportions of functioning of its economic complex are substantiated. It is determined that the special place of business development management in the conditions of innovative economy is due to the fact that it guarantees the integration of economic processes. The formation of a business development management system reflects the ability to streamline processes in business in accordance with the inherent internal laws of economic activity.


  • In modern conditions of classification – to systematize the factors innovative economy, business influencing business development, etc.development management acts as a Conclusions and prospects for further general economic vector of rational research

  • The magnitude of the is determined that the special place of result will be greater the more successful business development management in the the business development management conditions of innovative economy is due system in an innovative economy

  • - effective management, which is directly related to all components of the national and regional economy and the environment in which it is carried out, so the lack of positive and long-term effects in at least one of the interrelated areas indicates the presence of negative trends there are no positive changes;

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In modern conditions of classification – to systematize the factors innovative economy, business influencing business development, etc.development management acts as a Conclusions and prospects for further general economic vector of rational research. Features of formation by consumption of resources and efficient business development which includes a functioning of production systems It is set of means and methods of the directed known that even those companies that influence on interests of business which have similar potentials often differ in the are in constant dynamic transformation results of their activities. Under these under the influence of external and conditions, the difference in results can be internal conditions with orientation on explained only by the unequal degree of rational use of resources and maintenance accuracy of the target orientation of the of necessary proportions of functioning of control system. The magnitude of the is determined that the special place of result will be greater the more successful business development management in the the business development management conditions of innovative economy is due system in an innovative economy

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