
The purpose of the study is to analyze the peculiarities of employment, selection and professional development of staff and to assess their effectiveness on the basis of domestic and foreign practice of regulating the labor market in the context of transformational changes. Materials and methods. The study used such research methods as the system-logical method (to clarify the terms of the study), the method of theoretical generalization, analysis, induction and deduction, comparisons and key components. Research results. Summarizing the results, it should be noted that employment is a system of organizational, legal, economic measures aimed at ensuring employment of citizens. Employment relations arise between the body of employment and the citizen who has applied for employment; between the employing authority and the staffing organization; between the citizen and the organization to which he or she is directed to work by the body of employment. The scientific literature identifies three different forms of employment: simplified (legislative assistance) - used mainly for non-competitive citizens in the labor market, simple (ordinary) - employment of most citizens, difficult (complicated) - additional requirements for employees are established or additional employment is carried out. The employment process is mainly divided into two stages: the first is job search by an individual, and the second is the conclusion of an employment contract. The main functions of employment and regulation of the labor market in Ukraine are performed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. To implement the employment program and provide citizens with appropriate guarantees throughout the territory of Ukraine, a state employment service, job fairs were created. Topical today is the close connection of the elements of the system in the relations of public authorities with the market of educational services, which helps to provide training and retraining of personnel, taking into account the dynamics of production development. The second stage of the employment process is the registration of labor relations, the signing of an employment contract. In a competitive environment, most businesses recruit and select staff based on high professional, qualification and business qualities to achieve their goals. Recruitment methods can be active and passive. Recruitment is carried out through the system of external and internal market. Recruitment is different from recruiting. It is a process in which an organization selects from the candidates for the position one or more persons who best meet the requirements of the organization in specific circumstances. As the selection process, each company chooses its own set of admissions, but most experts agree that two successful rules must be followed in order to successfully organize the search for candidates: always search for candidates within the organization itself; use at least two methods when attracting candidates from outside. Conclusions. The process of employment in Ukraine is carried out in special conditions - conditions of development of new technologies and intellectualization of society. In the context of the implementation of European integration processes and globalization of the economy, the domestic system of employment and regulation of the labor market is built and improved taking into account the progressive world experience.

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