
In the context of concurrent endocrine conditions such as diabetes mellitus and diffuse toxic goiter, managing patients with purulent surgical soft tissue diseases presents notable challenges. This study aimed to explore the clinical characteristics of purulent surgical soft tissue diseases in the presence of diabetes mellitus and the combination of diffuse toxic goiter. Patients were divided into two groups: Group I comprised individuals with purulent surgical soft tissue diseases and diabetes mellitus, while Group II included patients with purulent surgical soft tissue diseases alongside a combination of diabetes mellitus and diffuse toxic goiter. The examination of patients with purulent-necrotic soft tissue diseases alongside comorbidities like diabetes mellitus and diffuse toxic goiter revealed distinct features in the wound healing process: parameters related to organism intoxication, wound cleansing, and healing duration tended to normalize at a slower pace in Group II compared to Group I, with a lag of approximately 2 days. Theaverage duration of bed rest for Group II was 10 ± 1.4 days, whereas in Group I, it was 8 ± 1.5 days.

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