
Objective. To reveal the incidence of various morphological types and degrees of the anemia severity in patients with diffuse toxic goiter.
 Materials and methods. Data of medical histories of 157 patients, operated for diffuse toxic goiter in 2012 yr were analyzed. In accordance to hematological indices estimated there were outlined two Groups of patients: Group I – 98 patients with diffuse toxic goiter and mild anemia, average age (39.4 ± 1.4) yrs old, 57 (58.2%) women and 41 (41.8%) men, and Group II – 59 patients with diffuse toxic goiter and middle degree of the anemia severity, average age (41.1 ± 1.7) yrs old, 48 (81.4%) women and 11 (18.6%) men. Levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, quantity and average volume of erythrocytes, average content of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte, average concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocytes were determined in the blood analysis.
 Results. Microcytic type of anemia was noted in 89.8% of patients with anemia of middle degree of severity, while a normocytic one – in 10.2%; in mild anemia – in 87.8 and 12.2% patients, accordingly. Hypochromic and normochromic types of anemia with equal rate were revealed in mild anemia and anemia of middle degree of severity: hypochromic – in 94.9%, normochromic – in 5.1% patients.
 Conclusion. Diffuse toxic goiter is characterized by more frequent development of mild (62.4%), microcytic (88.5%), hyperchromic (94.9%) anemia, caused by iron deficiency.


  • Microcytic type of anemia was noted in 89.8% of patients with anemia of middle degree of severity, while a normocytic one – in 10.2%; in mild anemia – in 87.8 and 12.2% patients

  • Diffuse toxic goiter is characterized by more frequent development of mild (62.4%), microcytic (88.5%), hyperchromic (94.9%) аnemia, caused by iron deficiency

  • При легкой анемии и анемии средней степени тяжести нормоцитарный и нормохромный типы выявлялись с одинаковой частотой – у 5,1% больных

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Changes of hematological indices in patients with diffuse toxic goiter

По данным оценки гематологических показателей были выделены две группы больных: 1–я – 98 больных с диффузным токсическим зобом с легкой анемией, средний возраст (39,4 ± 1,4) года, 41 (41,8%) мужчина и 57 (58,2%) женщин и 2–я – 59 больных с дифузным токсическим зобом с анемией средней степени тяжести, средний возраст (41,1 ± 1,7) года, 11 (18,6%) мужчин и 48 (81,4%) женщин. Микроцитарный тип анемии отмечен у 89,8% больных с анемией средней степени тяжести, нормоцитарный – у 10,2% больных; при легкой анемии – соответственно у 87,8 и 12,2% больных. Гипохромный и нормохромный типы анемии с одинаковой частотой выявлялись при легкой анемии и анемии средней степени тяжести: гипохромный – у 94,9%, нормохромный – у 5,1% больных. Ключевые слова: диффузный токсический зоб; анемия; степень тяжести анемии; морфологические типы анемии.

Материалы и методы исследования
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