
This article deals with the problem of adaptation of younger schoolchildren to the profession. The essence of the concept of adaptation is revealed, attention is focused on identifying the features of adaptation of younger schoolchildren to the profession. The problem of children's adaptation to the profession from an early age creates favorable conditions for the activities of the younger generation in the conscious choice of their future profession. The need to adapt children from an early age to the profession, outlined in the Address of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan, is associated with the development of science. The development of science is our most important priority. Also in the article, the main aspects of the phenomenon of adaptation of younger schoolchildren to the profession can begin with the definition of its features. Forms a single self-governing system as a result of adaptive activity to perception, allowing to realize a human orientation that combines psychophysiological, socio-psychological, activity-psychological ways of interacting with the environment and all levels of mental organization. A number of scientists consider human adaptation to be inextricably linked with socialization. Overall adaptability matters. The process of overcoming each individual problem situation can be considered as a process of socio-psychological adaptation of a person, during which she applies the skills acquired at previous stages of her development and socialization, behavioral models or discovers new ways of behavior and problem solving, new programs and plans for internal psychological processes. When the mechanisms of human adaptation lead to the adaptation of a person to a social situation and the natural environment, he successfully performs this function.

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