In theory, philosophy of science Islam has also developed along the Islamization of science demands. But to fight for the Islamic philosophy of science as a discipline that should be taught to students homage to science, still as a pre-requisite, and not as a mainstream agenda learning Faculty. Challenges and expectations requires a paradigm and a distinctive epistemology that leads to the conceptualization entrepreneurship sciencebased philosophy of science. The study used a set of questions inquired which consist of 6 Courant. The first portion consists rather than edict background of the respondents, when the second portion comprised of Scale interests and behavior towards the philosophy of science, scale philosophy attitudes toward science, philosophy of science knowledge scale, scale interests and behavior towards entrepreneurship and scale of attitudes toward entrepreneurship. By using multiple regression test, schedule 3 regression model showed a significant effect of interest and behavior towards the philosophy of science and philosophy of science knowledge to philosophy Attitudes toward science, in which the value of F = 70 708 at p <0.05. The regression model, the predictor variables contributed by 26.9% to over philosophy attitude toward science. When seen the power of each predictor variable, which gives the impression of dominance is the highest on a scale of interest and behavior towards the philosophy of science (t = 8208), the philosophy of science versus Knowledge scale (t = 6,905).
Dalam konteks sejarah, potensi akal manusia telah dibahas oleh hampir seluruh pelbagai cabang ilmu, apakah ilmu sosial, agama mahupun sains
The first portion consists rather than edict background of the respondents, when the second portion comprised of Scale interests and behavior towards the philosophy of science, scale philosophy attitudes toward science, philosophy of science knowledge scale, scale interests and behavior towards entrepreneurship and scale of attitudes toward entrepreneurship
By using multiple regression test, schedule 3 regression model showed a significant effect of interest and behavior towards the philosophy of science and philosophy of science knowledge to philosophy Attitudes toward science, in which the value of F = 70 708 at p
Abstract : In theory, philosophy of science Islam has developed along the Islamization of science demands. Akal merupakan intelek yang membuat manusia mampu berfikir untuk mengetahui diri dan alam sekitamya. Manakala agama dengan idea utama yang paling sentral adalah mentauhidkan dan meyakini Allah sebagai satu-satunya Tuhan yang patut disembah- memberikan sistem nilai terhadap seluruh dimensi kehidupan manusia. Oleh itu dunia pendidikan diharapkan mampu untuk menyiapkan dan menyediakan generasi yang berkualiti, berfikiran kreatif, dan mempunyai kemampuan inovatif hingga boleh memberikan kontribusi kepada pembangunan negara dan agama. Untuk mewujudkan perkara yang demikian pun perlu sokongan dari pelbagai pihak dalam bentuk moril mahupun materil, hingga halatuju dan matlamat negara tercapai sesuai dengan yang kita hasratkan. Malaysia merupakan negara sedang berkembang, pesat membina dalam usaha memacu halatuju negara, oleh itu perlu sokongan daripada sumber manusia yang berkualiti. Merupakan aplikasi sains yang terutama dalam kegiatan inovasi, berupa alat-alat atau barang untuk memenuhi keperluan masyarakat. Mata pelajaran sains di Malaysia sudah diajarkan mulai dari sekolah rendah secara berintegrasi kedalam mata pelajaran lain (seperti bahasa Melayu, bahasa Inggris dan matematik), sampai kepada sekolah menengah atas secara khusus atau dikenali sebagai monolitik ertinya mata pelajaran sains seperti fizik, biologi, dan kimia mempunyai kurikulum dan masa bersemuka secara bersendiri
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