
Introduction : Anemia generally occurs throughout the world, especially in developing countries and in low socio-economic groups. Overall, anemia occurs in 45% of women in developing countries and 13% in developed countries. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with anemia in third trimester pregnant women Method : The design of this research is an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The population of this study amounted to 55 people and the sample in this study were all third trimester pregnant women. The data used is secondary data. Data analysis technique is univariate and bivariate with Chi-square test. Result : The results obtained from 55 respondents 27 anemic and 24 not anemic, based on the chi square test of adherence to consuming Fe tablets with anemia, p value = 0.021 < 0.05, parity relationship with anemia in third trimester pregnant women obtained p value = 0.006 < 0.05, the relationship between education and anemia in third trimester pregnant women obtained p value = 0.032 < 0.05 Conclusion : there is a relationship between adherence to consumption of Fe tablets, education, parity with anemia in third trimester pregnant women.

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