
AbstractMusculosceletal complaints are a complaint on the skeletal muscle sections felt by a person starting from a very mild to very painful complaint. If the muscles receive static loads repeatedly and over a long period of time, they can cause complaints of joints, ligaments and tendons. Skeletal muscle complaints generally occur due to excessive muscle contraction due to heavy workload with long duration of loading.The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence musculosceletal disorders in nurses. This research is an analytic survey research with cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted at Sari Mutiara General Hospital Medan in ICU room and IGD room. The sample size is 38 people. Data analysis was done univariat, bivariate using chi-square, and multivariate test using multiple logistic regression test.Based on the result of the research showed that the factors influencing musculoskeletal disorders at the nurses in public hospital of pearl extract are gender (p-value = 0,002), work period (p-value = 0,049), and work attitude (p-value = 0,000). While the unrelated variable is age ((p-value = 0.147) .The attitude of work is the biggest variable of influence on musculoscelet disorders with (p-value = 0,003; OR = 17,627; 95% CI 2,68-115,957) work has a 17.627 times greater risk of complaints of musculosceletal disorders.It is expected that the nurse should continue to pay attention to the movement pattern when doing the activity, so that there is no wrong working attitude, so it can trigger the emergence of musculoscelet disorders.Key words: Factors, musculosceletal disorders


  • Musculosceletal complaints are a complaint on the skeletal muscle sections felt by a person starting from a very mild to very painful complaint

  • Skeletal muscle complaints generally occur due to excessive muscle contraction due to heavy workload with long duration of loading

  • Based on the result of the research showed that the factors influencing musculoskeletal disorders at the nurses in public hospital of pearl extract are gender (p-value = 0,002), work period (p-value = 0,049), and work attitude (p-value = 0,000)

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Skor perubahan

Untuk melengkapi skor pada grup A, maka selanjutnya adalah mengevaluasi posisi kaki. Skor pada kaki akan meningkat jika salah satu atau kedua lutut fleksi atau ditekuk. Kenaikan tersebut sampai dengan 2, (+2) jika lutut menekuk > 60 derajat. Jika pekerja duduk, maka keadaan tersebut dianggap tidak menekuk dan karenanya tidak meningkatkan skor pada kaki (Tarwaka, 2015). Grup B Setelah selesai melakukan penilaian terhadap anggota tubuh pada grup A, maka selanjutnya harus menilai anggota tubuh bagian atas (lengan, lengan bawah dan pergelangan tangan) pada kedua sisi kiri dan kanan dan menilainya secara individu. Skor untuk lengan harus dimodifikasi, diangkat menjauhi badan, atau dikurangi 1 yaitu ditambah atau dikurangi jika bahu jika lengan ditopang selama kerja. Skor untuk lengan harus dimodifikasi, diangkat menjauhi badan, atau dikurangi 1 yaitu ditambah atau dikurangi jika bahu jika lengan ditopang selama kerja. pekerja terangkat, jika lengan diputar atau

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Skoring untuk Beban atau Force
Analisis Bivariat
PEMBAHASAN Analisis Bivariat Umur dengan MSDs
Jenis kelamin dengan MSDs
Masa Kerja dengan MSDs
Sangat rendah
Masa Kerja
Pascasarjana Program Studi Fisiologi
Lingkungan dan Kesehatan
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