
The authors of the article justified the rank structure of factors that determine the effectiveness of the process of synchronization of technical and physical training of swimmers at the stage of preliminary basic training. The aim of the study to highlight the main factors that affect the effectiveness of the process of synchronization of technical and physical training of swimmers at the stage of preliminary basic training. The materials and methods served as an analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological and special literature; sociological research (questionnaire); mathematical statistics. The results. The structure of factors that determine the effectiveness of the process of synchronizing technical and physical training of swimmers at the stage of preliminary basic training are: compliance of the level of physical training with the main hydrodynamic parameters of swimming technique; the predominant focus of the training process on improving the technical features of the chosen swimming method; the influence of the level of development of special physical qualities on the effectiveness of the implementation of technical mastery Less significant factors are: conformity of the means of forming technical and physical readiness to the peculiarities of the age-related development of the organism of young swimmers; stability of technical characteristics to the influence of competitive load in the selected swimming method; the presence of a functional base for the prospective implementation of individual swimming techniques. Conclusions. The identified factors affect the effectiveness of the process of synchronizing technical and physical training of young swimmers. They are the methodological basis for the development of pedagogical technology that regulates the adaptive processes of the body of young swimmers at the stage of basic sports specialization. Accounting for these factors is necessary for the development of a training program for the formation of integral readiness of athletes for competitive activities.

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