
The article examines the factors of professional burnout of teachers in Russia and Bashkortostan, including on the basis of a survey conducted by the working group of the Institute for Strategic Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus to discuss the optimization of the load on teachers of general education organizations at the Parliamentary hearings of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Burnout factors are considered: features of the teaching profession, uncontrollable and increased workload, quality of feedback (support from the administration, relations with parents), lack of clarity of roles (changes in requirements) and freedom in decision-making, work experience, age, gender factor. It is concluded the problem of professional burnout is associated with the management system in the field of education, the level of wages, non-standardized and uncontrolled workload, lack of prevention and timely assistance, as well as, to a small extent, the gender factor. This means that the solution of the issue should be systemic and complex.

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