
the article presents the results of a survey of students regarding the strength of certain factors influencing the choice of place for obtaining higher education by applicants. The article presents the results of the analysis of power of the influence of factors such as the proximity of the Institute of Higher Education to the place of residence of the applicant; the place of positioning of the Institute of Higher Education in international University rankings, the reputation of the Institute of Higher Education in the immediate environment of the applicant; development of the infrastructure in Institute of Higher Education and the city which it is located in; traditions of Institute of Higher Education in specialists training. The article considers the relationship between the factors of choosing a place of higher education and the problem of ensuring its quality. The article contains generalizations and conclusions about possible mechanisms of influence of administrations of Institute of Higher Education and public authorities on the applicants' formation of motives regarding the choice of the place for obtaining of higher education and ways of improving mechanisms of public administration to ensure its quality.


  • The constant conditions change in the market of educational services requires from the Institute of Higher Education a deeper understanding of both, the specifics of the applicants' formulation of motives regarding their choice of a that or another Institute of Higher education and specialty, and the content of employers' requests regarding the quality of the labour potential of future specialists

  • The results of the Higher Education and the higher education analysis of students' evaluation of the quality are not the defining ones in strength of of certain factors influencing the formation of preferences among applicants choice of place for obtaining higher regarding the place of obtaining the quality education was chosen to be the object of this of higher education

  • 542 respondents aged 18 to 35 years from of higher education, and, the Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, as well as in level of popularity of that or another controlled by Ukraine parts of the Donetsk direction of future specialists training, and Luhansk regions

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Inta Buka

Abstract: the article presents the results of a survey of students regarding the strength of certain factors influencing the choice of place for obtaining higher education by applicants. An extended abstract of a paper on the subject of: “Factors influencing the choice of the place for obtaining of higher education as an object of public management ensuring its quality (according to a survey of students of Ukrainian institutions of higher education)”. Finding out students' opinions about the power of influence of certain factors on the choice of their place of obtaining professional knowledge is one of the tools for forming an information and analytical base for improving both, the management mechanisms of the entrance company at the University level and the mechanisms of public administration of ensuring of the higher education quality at the state level. Сьогодні для багатьох ЗВО найбільш актуальним є питання забезпечення набору першокурсників, адже від їхньої кількості зрештою залежить, як рівень фінансування закладу (оплата комунальних послуг; заробітна плата науковим та науково-педагогічним працівникам; фінансування навчальнометодичного забезпечення навчального процесу та науково-дослідних робіт тощо), так і рівень його престижу

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University Rankings від британської консалтингової компанії Quacquarelli
Використання адміністраціями ЗВО
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