
The Corex process has been developed as an alternative to the blast furnace where 80–85% non-coking coal and 15–20% coke is used as fuel for heat generation, production of reduction gases and to maintain adequate char bed permeability in the melter–gasifier. Non-coking coals, which can be used in Corex, have to meet certain physical, chemical and high temperature properties for stable process and to attain high performance levels. JSW Steel operates largest Corex based integrated steel plant with two modules each of 0·8 Mtpa capacity where several coals have been used so far and the type of coal used significantly influenced operation. Statistical analysis shows that the significant parameters affecting fuel rate are moisture, volatile matter, slag rate and melting rate. It was observed that at high rate of production, stability and permeability of char bed becomes critical hence coals producing char of high strength after reaction are required.

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