
Exploration for low-outgassing materials for use in ultrahigh vacuum and extreme high-vacuum systems is one of the most important topics of a vacuum researcher. We have found that a copper alloy containing 0.2% beryllium (0.2% BeCu) can attain an extremely low hydrogen outgassing rate of 10−14 Pa (H2) m/s order. Almost the entire surface of 0.2% BeCu is dominated by a BeO layer, after a 400 °C×72 h prebakeout treatment in an ultrahigh vacuum. This layer functions as a barrier to the processes of oxidization and permeation of hydrogen. In addition, this layer resists carbon contamination. Temperature-programmed desorption spectra show only a single peak for water at 150 °C and small quantities of any other desorption gases. Therefore, an in situ bakeout process in which the temperature simply ramps up to 150 °C and immediately ramps back down is enough for degassing; it does not require an ordinary sustained-temperature bakeout. Using an outgassing sample consisting of 0.2% BeCu disks housed in a 0.2% BeCu nipple chamber, a lowest outgassing rate of the 5.6×10−14 Pa (H2) m/s was measured by the pressure-rise method after pump cutoff. The pressure-rise versus time curve was completely nonlinear. It rises over time to a constant slope of 1/2 in a log–log plot, due to hydrogen diffusion from the bulk, but this requires over a week at room temperature. The hydrogen outgassing from the 0.2% BeCu bulk is completely dominated by a diffusion-limited mechanism. This article will describe why we obtain such low-outgassing rates with 0.2% BeCu. It is based on the observed surface changes with prebakeout treatment seen by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and the improvement of hydrogen outgassing measurements by the pressure-rise method. A comparison is made to ordinary stainless steel. In addition, the concept of an outgassing reduction method will be discussed from a review of the published ultralow-outgassing data and reduction methods.

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