
Today growth of interest in a subject of "the smart cities" is caused not so much by the growing level of highly effective technologies of the urbanized spaces, but by careful attitude to national values and ecological safety of territories for their further sustainable development. In other words, sustainable development assumes preservation of the environment at the forward development of economy and the public sphere. Brisk economic activity of the central Russia has always been connected with the national arts and crafts in which the whole villages and areas were engaged. The masters and handymen creating unique household items and objects of art often united in the so-called artels and guilds, later transformed to the factories which in fact are the city-forming enterprises. Thanks to the Centers of arts and crafts where traditions of primordially Russian arts and crafts passed from father to son, the glory of these places was carried far beyond its limits, enhancing the advertized properties and a peculiar brand of these territories. The analysis of today's condition of the enterprises of arts and crafts carried out on the territory of the Moscow region has shown that despite interest in folklore creativity growing in the recent years, the existing production base of national crafts is in desolation and decline and the fastest actions for their renovation and modernization are necessary. On the basis of expert polls and studying of perspective tendencies in this area, it was determined that the Centers of arts and crafts apart from manufacturing areas need expansion of educational and exposition functions with the subsequent determination of nomenclature structure and normative squares of new zones and premises. The developed centers of arts and crafts with additional functions will contribute not only to sustainable development of centuries-old skills, but also will provide the brand of any region based on its culture and traditions. The traditional national skills, undoubtedly, are the most notable manifestation of domestic cultural heritage. Therefore introduction of the new types of arts and crafts will help to restore the status of national property of the small towns, will make their social, business and cultural life self-sufficient. The modern centers of national crafts are necessary for implementation of the full tourist projects formed nowadays on the territory of the Moscow region within cluster state policy.

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