
Preface. 1: Environmental Consequences of Climate Change.- Desertification of mid-latitude Northern Asia and global change periodicity in the Quaternary N. Dobretsov, V. Zykin.- Regional climate and environmental change in Central Asia N. Kharlamova, V. Revyakin.- The reasons and consequences of climate changes V. Loginov.- Climate change consequences in steppe-forest transition zone in Moravia M. Klimanek.- 2: Sustainable Land Use and Regional Development.- Assessment of sustainability of ecological-economic systems by indicators of sustainable development E. Rodina.- Overview of NATO CCMS Pilot Study on environmental decision-making for sustainable development in Central Asia M. Khankasayev et al.- Experiences in the study of land cover transformation on Mediterranean islands caused by change in land tenure B. Cyffka.- Study of soils modified with structure forming agents P. Pipeva.- Problems of instability in agrarian nature management and food safety in large countries of Central Asia B. Krasnoyarova, I. Orlova.- Sustainable land use as a basis for a healthy nutrition and a corner stone for regional development A. Meier - Ploeger.- 3: Sustainable Development in Mountain and Steppe Regions.- Problems of sustainable development of mountain regions of Tajikistan H. Mukhabbatov, H. Umarov.-Implication of environmental law for mountain protection in China Jiebin Zhang.- Actual ecological situation in the territory of mountain regions and biodiversity problems - the case of the Republic of Georgia Z. Tatashidze et al.- New ways and new forms of limited and controlled nature management in the steppe region of northern Eurasia A. Chibilyov.- 4: Beyond Boarders: Transboundary Biosphere Reserve 'Altai' as an Approach for Regional Development.- Sustainable land use convergence in border area in Central Europe J. Kolejka, D. Marek.- Sustainable development beyond administrative boundaries - Case study: Rhon Biosphere Reserve, Germany D. Pokorny.-The links between poverty and environment: the rationale for environmentally sustainable resource use, with application to land management in the Altai region D. Smith.- Conditions and trends in natural systems of the Altai-Sayan ecoregion A. Mandych.- Transboundary Biosphere Territory 'Altai': Expert evaluation for the establishment Y. Vinokurov et al.- 5: Landscape Planning as an Integrative Tool for Sustainable Development.- Landscape planning as a tool for sustainable development of the territory D. Gruehn.- The Russian school of landscape planning A. Antipov, M.Semenov.- 6: Challenges and Threats for Environmental Stability in Central Asia.- Historical experience and estimations of modern land tenure of the Inner Asia A. Tulokhonov.- No Man's Land - Environmental influences in Central Asian security P. Liotta.-Physical-geographical characteristics of the Altai region D. Enkhtaivan.- New challenges of the modern civilization and global economy in the north of Western Siberia G. Grebenyuk, F. Rjansky.- Summary of other Workshop Lectures N. Dobretsov.- List of Workshop Participants.-

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