
The research aims at providing students with some tasks for motivating students to engage in a range of digital story telling activities on YouTube. The tasks are designed to explore and practice the skills in completing the tasks given at Speaking 3 subject. The tasks are about digital story telling which means that the story telling was created through media that was YouTube as tool for submitting the tasks. The stories were built in or taken from internet with some titles were Cinderella, Malin Kundang, and Rapunzel, the choice of the titles based on students’ proposal when discussing together. The subjects were 23 students of English Department of STKIP Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung who took Speaking subject. The Result were all students succeed in creating the content on YouTube about story telling. Each of story has its own value or message that could be adopted to students’ life. The Finding of the research were students have good motivation in completing the digital story telling in term of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation such as challenging, curious, responsible, good grade, satisfy, parents, friends, environment and it was founded on interview session. As a lecturer, if we want to give good motivation to students in learning, we must find out the appropriate tasks for students in order they complete the task with their best.

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