
This narrative case study explores the career story of a single female medical professional in Pakistan and how the integration of the systems theory framework of career development (STFCD), the narrative approach and a constructivist worldview can help individuals in constructing or shaping careers within the unique Pakistani context. The study uses case study and narrative inquiry as merged methodological framework. Through conversational interviews and document analysis of the participant, the study examines the participant’s career experiences, choices and meaning-making processes. The findings shed light on the influence of various systems (individual, social and contextual) on the participant’s career trajectory, the construction of her career narrative and her active role in career decision-making. Additionally, these insights can inform how STFCD can help construct a person’s career journey. The career issues highlighted in the narrative of the participant may not be attributable to all women working in the same field or may be in commonality with other women regardless of their profession. Overall, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of career construction using STFCD in the Pakistani context and offers theoretical implications for women career development using a narrative approach.

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